Shadow War – Genestealer Cultists on the Cheap

I picked up some half used sprues from the Kill Team Boxed game on eBay for a modest price, from which I extracted fifteen neophyte gangers.I decided to use orange as the base colour partly because I haven't any orange troops and partly because these are supposed to...

3D Printable Figures

An artist called Miguel Zavala has put up the templates for 300 D&D figures for 3D printing on Shipways. They are free to download and created from D&D manuals.I've no idea of the cost /quality comparison with cast minis at present but I do know technology...

40K Space Marine Colours

I came across this in a Bell of Lost Souls article.  The graphic blows up to show much more detail, listing all the 'known' Space Marine chapters and their uniform colours.I have a couple of squads to paint up and wanted to try something different..... I have a...

Review Warlord Games Plastic Doctor Who Cyberman

I picked up a copy of Warlord Games's Exterminate Doctor Who game-in-a-box at Salute. I haven't had a chance to play the game so I can't comment on that aspect, except to say that superficially it looks like an uncomplicated card-driven 'family game' or club game. It...

Reaper Bones, Varghulf Courtier Substitute

I fancied adding a Varghulf Courtier to my Flesh Eater Courts Army. Now the GW model is very nice but too rich for me at £20 for a single model.In this situation, I often turn to Reaper Bones and discovered this gargoyle model for £7, which I felt fitted the style of...