Age of Sigmar – Oldhammer, Slaves to Darkness

Lord Frak the Faithless, Chaos Lord on Daemonic MountAge of Sigmar has, since they sorted it out a bit, given me an excuse to make some of the Oldhammer armies in miniature that I always fancied but couldn't afford. One of them was Slaves to Darkness: I give you my...

Lookee, lookee, lookee!

A very nice chap who has a terrain company sent me this photo of an as yet unreleased lasercut model. There are a few bugs to be ironed out but then it will be on the web for retail.I feel a First Punic war coming on....

Wolf in Shadow

To those who may be interested:My London urban fantasy, Wolf in Shadow is currently on special offer at Amazon UK.

Blight Kings

I recently decided my Nurgle Daemon Army needed more punch so acquired some Blight Kings.At a pinch, they could also serve as Nurgle terminators, assuming I ever play 40K again.I like these models: they are full of character. Of course that rather depends whether the...

Reaper Hydra

I am a great fan of Reaper Bones polymer miniatures.I acquired this great Hydra for £16 of our English pounds.I painted it as far as I could, to resemble the great Harrhausen model from Jason and the Argonoughts: still one of my favourite fantasy movies.I am not sure...