Arcworlde Come To Rochester Models

Alex of Warploque MiniaturesWarploque Miniatures is a newish company that has exploited the advantages offered by Kickstarter to, well, get kickstarted. The photo shows Alex sculpting new miniatures for Arcworlde in Rochester Games Models & Railways.The Arcworld...

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Xmas

The Klaus Mob are about to launch their Xmas job: the highlight of the year.The Boss with his henchmen: note the holstered Mauser.The Snow Boys soak up bullets like, well, like a snowdrift: they can fly as well.Santa's Elves with attitude: note the glitter guns.Ready...

Silver Tower Minotaur

Every so often, when I have time, I paint up another of my Silver Tower models.This one is some sort of magical giant minotaur with Celtic tattoos and a sorcerer's club. All very Tzeentch. The face is great but unfortunately hidden under the horns.Great model.

Dr Who: Into The Time Vortex

Now that production is well under way, those delightful people at Warlord Games have sent me examples of the first models.To remind people, I wrote the rulebook that will eventually be released to back these models. Working with a major IP property like Dr Who is an...

Horus Heresy: Ahzek Ahriman

Ahzek Ahriman, Chief Librarian of The Thousand Sons, the XV Legion,The model is from the Horus Heresy, Burning of Prospero boardgame.The model is painted in Tamiya Metallic Red spray paint. This is the best attempt at a metallic red available in acrylic to my...