Death Guard Helbrute

I’m slowly getting through my backlog of half-painted models (I’m trying to ignore the boxes of unbuilt ones) and today I’m pleased to show off this moist chap. As is my way, he’d sat at around 85% complete for about six months or so. I’d...

Dark Angels Primaris Chaplain

In addition to the Cairn Wraith I painted while my wife was working on her first ever mini, I also (finally) managed to finish this Chaplain for my Dark Angels army. It’s almost as if I need constant adult supervision to get anything done… This means I...

My wife’s first mini!

My beloved wife is my biggest supporter. Shortly after we started dating, she encouraged me to get back into the hobby after a near-ten year break (uni, no money, the usual!). Plus as she’s a professional artist she likes that I have a creative outlet too. A few...

Nighthaunt Cairn Wraith – my first mini of 2024!

My beloved wife darkens the door of Warhammer Edinburgh exactly two times each year, you can guess why 🙂 While I always give her a list of the armies/projects I’m working on, and she usually buys me at least something appropriate, since she’s a...

Imperial Fists Legion Deimos Pattern Rhino

I’ve always loved Rhinos, the original plastic kit was the first tank I ever bough and I lost count of the number of times Little John attempted to repaint parts of it over the years. It was then no surprise to me that as soon as GeeDubs revealed that there...