Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 22: Droning On

Man, I love this model.  I always wanted one of Forge World’s Greater Blight Drones but never really got around to it (yet) and when the first images of the plastic Foetid Bloat-Drone surfaced early last year I nearly had a heart attack! Anyway, here it is...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 22: Droning On

Man, I love this model.  I always wanted one of Forge World’s Greater Blight Drones but never really got around to it (yet) and when the first images of the plastic Foetid Bloat-Drone surfaced early last year I nearly had a heart attack! Anyway, here it is...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 19: Back to Work

Quite literally as I returned to my grown up job after two weeks holiday. Never mind though as I’m determined not to let up until this bloody army is done! Today I finished up yet another batch of Poxwalkers and, as you can see from the image below, made decent...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 18: Music to My Ears

What a week it’s been!  My productivity slowed a bit as Edinburgh during August has a number of pleasant diversions that can take a chap away from his painting desk 🙂 No matter, I’m still on track. I painted this Sloppity Bilepiper over the...

Trenchmates – Wild West Exodus 2nd Edition

From the ashes of Outlaw Games’ demise comes Warcradle Studio’s new incarnation of Wild West Exodus.  Tim takes a look. I got into Wild West Exodus pretty much with the bricks, backing both of Outlaw’s kickstarter campaigns first to launch it...