Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 11: A Beastly Business

You know, I’m not even remotely sorry for that.   Besides, I’ve just finished one of the most fun models I’ve ever had the privilege to paint, this chap! With thanks to Trenchmate Tim who gave me this Beast of Nurgle for my birthday a while back...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 9: First Squad Done!!!

Yep, with these four below my first squad of twenty Poxwalkers is done! While you can probably make out four more on Painting Handles at the back of the photo, I’m moving on to some daemonic models to give myself a bit of a break. My plan for the remaining...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 7: Getting Cross-Eyed

I’m definitely getting into the groove, so-to-speak. Churned out these dudes today: And started on these: Yes, I am one of those awful people with multiple Painting Handles, but they’re really good! Seriously, before I’d often get hand cramps after...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 6

With these four I’m now 30% of my way through the Poxwalkers. I’d have hoped by now the pace would have increased however I’m still just ahead of schedule. Advertisements

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 4: Back to Work

No sooner had I started, I had to take a couple of days off thanks to some social engagements. But I’m back! Today I managed to get these dudes done. I’m now on holiday for a couple of weeks so my plan is to power through twelve more Poxwalkers before...