Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 1: Getting started.

Slow and steady wins the race and there’s not much slower in the 41st Millennium than Poxwalkers! As you can see I’m painting the same sculpts together to save some time. These chaps took me about ninety minutes so I’m optimistic at the very least...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 1: Getting started.

Slow and steady wins the race and there’s not much slower in the 41st Millennium than Poxwalkers! As you can see I’m painting the same sculpts together to save some time. These chaps took me about ninety minutes so I’m optimistic at the very least...

The Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge

Last week I signed up for a one day 1,750 point 40K tournament that’s being held on Saturday 22 September* (if you’re reading this Adam you’ll get my entry fee today, promise). I’ve decided to use this impending glorious defeat to really push...

Dark Angels Devastator Squad

After far too long (I’m detecting a theme here), I’ve finally finished my Unforgiven’s first Devastator Squad. I was amazed by the generosity of the kit as I genuinely did not expect to have the parts nescessary to build all the remaining weapons...


I’m currently still mucking about with my Dark Angels but inspiration was getting a bit sparse so I decided to knock up a little buddy for my soon-to-be-built-and-painted-honest-I-really-mean-it-this-time Necromunda gangs.  Here he is. I know it’s a bit...