
Hello, yes I’m not dead! It’s been ages, hasn’t it?  Basically I was up to my eyeballs at work and then my wife and I popped over to the US to visit her parents for their fiftieth wedding anniversay (I also used that time to stock up on cheap shiny,...

The Changeling

The leader for my Tzeentch army (at least until I get a Lord of Change) is finally complete. This was a fun model to paint, I included a profile shot to show my first ever attempt at wet blending on the staff’s feathers and snake.  Not fantastic but a damn...

Blue Horrors of Tzeentch

After getting their fiery little brothers done I’ve turned my attention to these chaps.  I basically reversed the scheme I’ve used in the past for Pink Horrors (more of these to come next week) and kept the detailing fairly simple as I had twenty of the...

Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch

This weekend’s been somewhat Horrific… Sorry* As I’ve got an Age of Sigmar tournament coming up next month, I decided that I’d need some backup for my Tzeentch chaps.  More importantly, I decided it was high time to conquer my fear of painting...

Goblin Referee

Always a sucker for ‘limited edition’ models, I had to pick up Forge World’s Blood Bowl Refereee set.  I managed to get this little guy done in an afternoon (it shows), but I’m fairly happy with the job. As you can no doubt see, my freehand...