Bretonnians for sale!

It’s with a less heavy heart than I’d anticipated that I announce that I’m selling the majority of my unloved Bretonnian army. I decided to jump back in to Warhammer Fantasty Battle in the early days of what would be the final edition of the game. ...

Orc Lineman

This is only second greenskin model I’ve ever painted to completion and I have to say I enjoyed it.  I decided to paint up my Orc team in the colours of the Orcland Raiders because puns and also because I’ve never painted a yellow colour scheme. I...

Screamers of Tzeentch

I’m attending an Age of Sigmar doubles tournament in August so I decided to get my finger out and get some of my daemonic backlog sorted. First on the list is the very easy to paint Screamers.  These three took less than a couple of hours from sprue to...

The Nuln Oilers

It’s been five months less a day since my last post, the longest gap in this pokey little blog’s inglorious existance.  Why the unwanted hiatus?  There were a number of reasons that not just stopped me posting, but also stopped me painting and gaming....