Horus Heresy – Imperial Fists Contemptor Dreadnought – REDUX!

This poor chap was started at the same time as his similarly-interred battle brother and was sitting at around 95% complete on my desk for a few months but, finally he’s finished! I’m taking a week off work so I’d ideally like to get a couple more...

Biologus Putrifier

It’s amazing what an impending and very much unexpected deadline can do to my productivity! Every Tuesday, me and some close friends have our weekly RPG evening, we’re currently finishing off an Age of Sigmar: Soulbound adventure and looking forward to...

Cadian Castellan

As the one or two long-time readers of this blog may recall, when I got back into the hobby in 2009, the first army I revived was my Imperial Guard. When the new kits dropped last year I was really excited to reinforce my boys and girls and was especially looking...

Callidus Assassin

I’ve finally been able to find some time to paint this lovely lady. I’ve been wanting to paint a Callidus Assassin ever since I first read about Meh’Lindi in Ian Watson’s Inquisitor back in the early nineties and when GW released the current...

Dusting off my Orlocks

I’ve finally got round to starting my long-delayed Orlock gang for Necromunda. This was my original gang of choice back when the game was first released in the mid-nineties. I’m fairly sure that my old (very badly) painted gang is somewhere in the attic of...