Daemonettes of Slaanesh

       It took a while, but these ladies are finally done.  Now that they’re done, it’s back to one of my first loves…   

Trenchmates – Have you ever absolutely hated painting a miniature?

We’ve all been there.  In this article, regular contributor Tim Chant talks about a common problem the hobby presents. Have you ever absolutely hated painting a miniature? So much so that you’ll only ever get round to finishing it because you absolutely have to...

Daemonette of Slaanesh

Got my first Daemonette finished this evening.     This was a very tricky model for me as I didn’t know if I wanted to paint it with bright colours or not.  Initially I painted the hair a darkish pink but it took too much attention away from...


My god, but these guys are cute!     Finished them yesterday evening and, for now, they complete my Nurgle contingent.  Can’t wait to add to this part of my ever-growing Chaos horde, loved paining these guys.  Now however, I’m on...

Herald of Nurgle

Insomnia is occasionally a good thing. Last night I used my lack of sleep to get this gent finished.     Now he just needs some friends…