Tournament Report – 40K Borders Smackdown

On the first Saturday of December I awoke at an ungodly hour (well 08:00, screw you, don’t judge me!) to catch a train on the new Borders Rail Link to Galashiels to participate in a games day between the Borders Reivers and Edinburgh League of Gamers. Borders...

New Year, New Creative Intentions, and New Publication

What’s that?  Could we have a new soon-to-be-everyone’s-favourite sci-fi author guesting on this little blog?  Well, possibly; Trenchmate Tim has published his first short story and I’ve turned the blog over to him to tell us a bit more about it....

In Remembrance – The Shell Case

This is the hardest post I’ve yet had to write, The Shell Case is no more. On Thursday, Phil brought down the curtain on his seminal hobby site.  I still can’t quite believe it. My poxy little site, and so many others, owe their existence to the example...

Chaos Spawn

Having needed a break from my Deathwing, I decided to get these chaps painted. I assembled them a few years ago and for reasons I forget, I never got around to painting them. Unfortunately they had not survived the move to our new house unscathed so I spent most of...

Deathwing Terminator

This is the first loyalist termie I’ve painted in close to 20 years.     As you can see, the model’s from the Dark Vengeance set. Before starting on this squad I’d heard horror stories about painting them but once I’d got started...