Ravenwing Bike Squad

The best huntsmen in the galaxy (yes, including the White Scars) are now ready for battle.         I loved painting these miniatures.  Initially I was somewhat put off since it was impossible to paint the riders separately as these Dark Vengeance...

Ravenwing Bike

Managed to get something done for #MinatureMonday for the first time in what seems like ages :-) Ideally I’d like to be further along with his two squad mates, but at least this chap’s ready for action.

Trenchmates – Wild West Exodus: Painting the Minis by Tim Chant

You’ve read it right, Trenchmates is back!  Regular contributor, opponent and partner in crime Tim Chant talks about how he’s getting on painting his WWX Union force. I’m now a decent way through painting my Union force for Wild West Exodus so thought this...

Trenchmates – Wild West Exodus: Painting the Minis by Tim Chant

You’ve read it right, Trenchmates is back!  Regular contributor, opponent and partner in crime Tim Chant talks about how he’s getting on painting his WWX Union force. I’m now a decent way through painting my Union force for Wild West Exodus so thought this...

Ravenwing Attack Bike

Managed to get this finished today.               Before I lose momentum I’m going to try to get the three bikes that came with the Dark Vengeance set finished. After that, I’ll almost have a functional...