Ravenwing Attack Bike

Managed to get this finished today.               Before I lose momentum I’m going to try to get the three bikes that came with the Dark Vengeance set finished. After that, I’ll almost have a functional...

Back to Civilisation*

We got back last week from a freaking fantastic time in the US visiting my wife’s family and now that the jetlag’s cleared (I swear it didn’t use to affect me so in my twenties) I’ve got in an hour or so of painting this evening. ...

Back to Civilisation*

We got back last week from a freaking fantastic time in the US visiting my wife’s family and now that the jetlag’s cleared (I swear it didn’t use to affect me so in my twenties) I’ve got in an hour or so of painting this evening. ...

Need for Speed

In a little under fourteen and a half hours I’ll be on a long-overdue holiday and I fully intend to make the most of it.  While my Beloved and I will be spending some time away from Castle Ferguson, I think I’ll still have plenty time to get a bit of a...

Need for Speed

In a little under fourteen and a half hours I’ll be on a long-overdue holiday and I fully intend to make the most of it.  While my Beloved and I will be spending some time away from Castle Ferguson, I think I’ll still have plenty time to get a bit of a...