Brother Elias – Dreadnought of the Dark Angels

This evening I finished the first loyalist(ish) Dreadnought I’ve painted since the old Furioso Paperweight from the early days of the second edition.  Here’s Brother Elias of the Dark Angels fifth company.  

Chaos Land Raider – WIP 4

It’s almost done! This evening I attached the sponsons and gunner and popped the twin-linked heavy bolter in place to see how it looked, and I like it.  There’s still some tidying needed, especially around the trophy spikes and chains but really all...

Chaos Land Raider – WIP 4

It’s almost done! This evening I attached the sponsons and gunner and popped the twin-linked heavy bolter in place to see how it looked, and I like it.  There’s still some tidying needed, especially around the trophy spikes and chains but really all...