Stormcast Eternal Liberator

As seemingly half the gaming word as done, I picked up a copy of White Dwarf 75 and have just finished painting the free Stormcast Eternal Liberator. I’ve not painted a gold miniature since my cack-handed attempt to paint the original Captain Tycho model in the...

Stormcast Eternal Liberator

As seemingly half the gaming word as done, I picked up a copy of White Dwarf 75 and have just finished painting the free Stormcast Eternal Liberator. I’ve not painted a gold miniature since my cack-handed attempt to paint the original Captain Tycho model in the...


I’m so weak! As I’m through in Glasgow on business I thought I’d pop into the local Warhammer Store to pick up some 32mm bases.  Things didn’t go entirely to plan.     This means that my commitment to buying no new models in...


I’m so weak! As I’m through in Glasgow on business I thought I’d pop into the local Warhammer Store to pick up some 32mm bases.  Things didn’t go entirely to plan.     This means that my commitment to buying no new models in...

Chaos Land Raider – WIP 3

Things have been a bit quiet of late at Ferguson Towers, mainly down to properly insane amounts of work leaving me too tired to pick up a paint brush.  Fortunately today I’ve managed to barricade myself in my Hobby Lair and used the time to get stuck in to my...