Dark Angels Incoming – What I’ve learned from the trailer

I’m really excited about the forthcoming Dark Angels codex.  Ever since I promoted my Unforgiven from allied faction to full army status I’ve been looking forward to seeing what, if any, of the developments that accompanied the more recent vanilla...

Age of Sigmar – first sightings

Looks like my local GW, sorry Warhammer shop is gearing up for the launch of the next version of Warhammer Fantasy Battle*.    *Yes, yes, I know it might be a one off boxed game and even if it is technically the 9th edition of WFB, it might be called...

Chaos Land Raider – WIP 2

The inside’s detailed and the hull’s complete. Not bad for a couple of days.                    I’m taking a day off tomorrow for my birthday but the plan’s to have this finished...

Battle Report – Archeotech Hunt

Today, Trenchmate Tim and I took full advantage of the bank holiday and played the new 40K mission, Archeotech Hunt, which can be found in White Dwarf 68. It’s a simple Altar of War mission but with a different, and incredibly good fun, mysterious objective...

The 2015 #WAACChallenge – Part 5: For Sale!

The auction is now live, and just within the deadline. Before I listed it I decided to take some better photos which I hope might make it sell better. I’ve also decided to bend the rules of the challenge somewhat.  Since I only paid £2 for this model I will be...