Chaos Land Raider – WIP 1

Here in Edinburgh we have an extra long weekend thanks to Queen Liz not being dead yet (thanks ma’am :-) ) so I’ve decided to make a start on a project I’ve been looking forward to for a very, very long time. I’ve wanted a Land Raider for my...

The 2015 #WAACChallenge – Part 4: Done!

Can’t believe that this took me almost a month, although to be fair I took a couple weeks off to celebrate my fifth wedding anniversary and work has been more hectic than usual.  Nevertheless, it’s done! I really enjoyed painting this, so much so that...

Brushes Fear Me

Earlier this week I popped in to my local GW to pick up a couple of new drybrushes.  Here’s a comparison between them and the ones they’re replacing. Let’s zoom in for a closer look, shall we?     I believe that my problem is threefold. ...

White Dwarf Subscriptions to Return?

  This evening on my way home from work I popped into my local GW to pick up the latest issue of White Dwarf.  As the shop was about to close for the day and all the Normals were out enjoying the sunny early evening I stayed for a few minutes chatting to the...

The 2015 #WAACChallenge – Part 3: Painting in Progress

It’s slowly coming together. As you can see, I’m keeping the colours fairly traditional.  Now that (most) of the base coat is in place I have quite a lot of highlighting to do, as well as to decide how weathered and rusty to make his weapons and armour....