GW Customer Service to The Rescue!

Like so many of us, it can take me months, sometimes years, to get started on a purchased miniature.  Indeed, it’s often be said that the whole industry would collapse if people built and painted everything before purchasing more shiny things.  While this habit...

A Bit of A Spanking

Well, that could have gone better… Today, Tim and I played a 2,500 point Maelstrom of War mission pitting his alliance of Reavers Redemptor and Dark Angels/Guardians of The Covenant against my Heralds of Desolation with some Dark Eldar who happened to be passing...

Daemonic Reinforcements Part One: Bloodletters of Khorne

After finishing my Daemon Prince last month, I thought it only appropriate to get some lesser daemons for him to summon. My plan is to buy and paint a unit a month until I have one for each of the four Chaos Gods. First up, some Bloodletters. I’ve always wanted...

The Orphans of The Imperium Return

Yup, as promised I’m completely ignoring the pathetic cries of my half-finished Warpsmith and instead decided to crack on with the boxes of Militarum Tempestus Scions I got for my birthday last year. I’ve three boxes of Scions and one Taurox to build...

Ravenwing Land Speeder

This week I decided to take a break from my Chaos Marines (yes, I will get back to my Warpsmith soon!) and get some more of my Dark Angels finished. I guess at this point I should acknowledge that my Dark Angels are now a separate army and not an allied contingent for...