Oh, boy!

As the ink dries on my soon-to-be-completed Dark Angels Assault Marines, I’ve finally settled on my next project, this! I bought the Warpsmith from the Glasgow Games Workshop in early 2013 while I was through attending a training course for work and the box has...

Dark Angels Assault Squad – WIP 2

After buying nearly all the Christmas presents this afternoon (still have no idea what I’m getting the wife…) I cracked on with my Assault Squad. All that’s left are the weapons, company marking and small details such as skulls and purity seals....

Dark Angels Assault Squad Sergeant

Damn, I’ve actually been somewhat productive. Before moving onto the other squad members, I decided to paint the Sergeant. I usually do this so that I have a current reference for the squad in question. Plus it helps keep me motivated to know that, on occasion,...

Dark Angels Assault Squad – WIP 1

Ages ago (well September last year), I started these models, but I put them on ice for so many reasons. Now though, I’ve dusted (not literally, they were in a Tupperware box) them off and hope to have them ready soon. This evening, I spent just under an hour...

Chaos Space Marine Bikers

They took a bit longer than I’d anticipated (so, what’s new?) but I’m really pleased with how they’ve turned out.