Chaos Space Marine Bikers – WIP 1

After a good seven hours over the weekend, here’s how they are now. I’ve decided to make them my Slaaneshi contingent as I figured that the heightened sensations that come from riding very fast on lumps of metal into near-certain death is just the sort of...

Fast & Furious

I’ve a game next weekend and, in addition to my recently finished Heldrake I’m going to field a squad of bikes. That is, if they’re finished in time! About two years ago I went on a bike buying rampage on eBay and netted eight on-sprue sets for about...

Chaos Space Marine Heldrake

It’s done! I started this in June but thanks to, ahem, quite an eventful five months it’s only now finished. I really enjoyed working on this model, I think I’ll have to add a few more to my army in the near future :-)

40K End Times: Why It Won’t Happen (yet)

Yesterday Spikey Bits posted a letter from a hobbyist claiming to be a former GW staffer detailing some ideas regarding what would happen to our favorite grimdark universe should The (False) Emperor finally get around to shuffling off the mortal coil.  You can read...