Trenchmates – The Dark Talon by Tim Chant

Can it really be ten months since we heard from Tim?  Not really, I’ve been ultra crap and lost this article in the Inbox From Hell for the better part of two months (sorry, Tim!) so without futher a do, here’s a review of the Dark Angels Dark Talon flyer,...

Sorting Things Out

Wow, two posts in one day! Anyway, without wanting to create a negative atmosphere I haven’t painted since Dad died last month.  While it’s my intention/hope to pick up a brush by the end of the week right now I’ve been easing myself back into the...

Games Workshop’s Great Rebranding Experiment

By now, most of you will be aware that GW have launched a trial rebranding of their shops in Bath, Chiswick and Edinburgh. Gone is the venerable Games Workshop logo and in its place we have this. As I live in Edinburgh and work five minutes’ walk away I decided to pop...

Arcane Paintworks master class review – Kansas City 2014

John Arcane Paintworks master class review – Kansas City 2014 Sisters of Battle | By: Enslaviour Sisters of Battle | By: Enslaviour - Girls with guns, need I say more Kansas City 2014 I took both of Meg’s master classes in Kansas City. Saturday we learned about...

Painting classic Genestealers. Quickly.

It’s now been 10 months since I agreed to paint up some classic metal ‘stealers and Termi’s to go with a full set of Space Hulk tiles obtained from eBay. 10 months and I’m still not finished, although getting tantalisingly close. I’m the...