Necron Immortals

Finished these over the weekend. Far from my finest work, I have to confess the Age of Darkness box has been making sad eyes at me from the back of my hobby room, but I’m fairly happy with them. Next on my table are some Imperial Fists in Mk IV armour, with some...

Laying it on too thickā€¦

We all do it sometimes, usually when we’re in a hurry or trying out a new paint, sometimes we terminally bugger-up a paint job and have to start again. In this case, I was both hurrying and trying a new paint, in this case Colour Forge’s awesome Sunset...

Lord of Plagues

Finally, my self-portrait is done 😉 I’ve wanted to paint one of these since it came out about ten(?) years ago. Hopefully this will help me get the rest of my Nurgle stuff finished.

Dark Angels Primaris Inceptors

After much gnashing of teeth and shouting to the heavens warp, I finally finshed my first bouncy Primaris unit. Originally I’d hoped to use the supplied flying stems, but no glue in the world would stick them securely and I’m too clumsy/lazy to even...

Dark Angels Tactical Squad in Mk IV Armour

I’ve not been able to proper paint in a while, so I thought the best way to get back into the habit was to go back to my roots so-to-speak and paint something old school, and you don’t get much older than the First Legion in Heresy-era armour! I used the...