Remembering Dad

  As any occasional readers of my blog will note, I’ve been somewhat quiet of late.  As I previously mentioned, my father had been seriously ill with cancer, unfortunately he died last Saturday.  Understandably, this has meant that most of my time has been...

Chaos Space Marine Heldrake – WIP 4

Now that I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things I’ve been able to progress my Heldrake some more. It’s now almost done, it still needs some tidying up, shading and (obviously) full assembly but I’m fairly confident I can get this done...

Mixed Gender Militarum Tempestus Scions

Look, I’m not dead!  It’s been exactly a month since my last post, the longest delay ever in the ignominious history of this pokey little blog.  There are a number of reasons, the most pressing of which is that my father is nearing the end of his valiant...

Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion

Despite my temporary exile to the kitchen I’ve still been able to slowly progress a few projects. Last night I finished this chap. The building behind is my next main project, but I’d like to squeeze in a few more small things as I go along.

In Exile

Well, maybe that’s a bit dramatic! What’s happened is that a friend of my wife is unexpectedly staying with us for a few weeks for reasons too complex and horrible to really go into on a light hearted hobby blog. Anyway, he’s ensconced in my War Room...