Dark Angels Rhino – WIP

I recently I picked on eBay a BNIB Rhino for a tenner and even though I’ve got a million things on the go, I thought I’d knock it out quickly as I’ve not painted a loyalist Rhino since 1993! I managed to build it in a little under half an hour and...

Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion – WIP

Today I decided that I’d like to use a different Aspiring Champion in my game tomorrow so I looked out this guy who had been sitting assembled and undercoated in a box for the past eighteen months. This is what I’ve managed to get done in the last couple...

Chaos Space Marine Heldrake – WIP 2

Not much progress this week thanks to a new arrival in the household, more on that in a bit. However I was able to steal a quick half hour this afternoon and got started on one of the wing assemblies. This model is an absolute joy to paint, however what is a far...