Ruined… something

Now that my squad of Chaos Cultists is almost complete I decided to try and get a new piece of terrain completed for the game next Saturday. I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew… It’s only about half-built but all the other pieces have been...
Dark Eldar – Surviving the Game in 7th Edition

Dark Eldar – Surviving the Game in 7th Edition

I need to begin with a preface, I’ve not yet managed to get any games in with 7th ed, and only read through the new rules once. This isn’t a intended as review, or detailed breakdown of old vs new, isn’t a soapbox from which to espouse “the sky is falling”...

Khorne Berserker Rhino

After far too long (I think nearly a year), I’ve finally finished my Khorne Berserker Rhino. It’s also the first finished model I’m able to submit as part of the Games & Gears Paint Day 2014.

Quick and dirty chaos cultist

Is there any other sort? Anyway, I’ve had a change of plan and since my first game of the 7th edition is coming up I thought I’d go for quantity over quality so I dusted off the 35 cultists that have been sitting unhappy and undercoated for far too long...

Possessed Chaos Space Marines – WIP 2

Today was the first chance I had to really progress these minis since the weekend. After a further couple of hours, here’s what they look like. My initial plan was to batch paint them as I do with my more normal marines but after adding the rest of the blue...