Lunchtime Reading

After returning from a meeting, a box containing these was waiting on my desk :-) Since the 7th edition BRB doesn’t have the terrain dataslates for things like the Aegis Defence Line, it’s a good thing that I picked this up when I did,l as my guardsmen...

Possessed Chaos Space Marines – WIP

For one, I’ve actually stuck to one of my plans! Yesterday I wrote here that I might start on my possessed marines today and low and behold, I’ve actually done it! On a side note, I bought these almost exactly a year ago with some birthday money, hopefully...

Officio Prefectus Commissar

Can’t believe I actually got it finished today. I’m not too happy with the face but it’s a damn sight better than more of my previous attempts. After all, it is a learning process :-) Now, onto either some possessed Chaos Marines or my Taurox Prime....

Officio Prefectus Commissar – WIP

Those of you who know me on Facebook will most likely know that due to ‘business pressures’ my holiday next week has even cancelled. As such, my planned Big Project is being pushed back for a while so instead I’ve decided to press ahead with this...