Leman Russ Resurrection – Part 1

Ages ago I posted an article pondering whether or not to revisit some of the old miniatures that I still regularly use. At the time I decided to leave things as they are however the advent of the new Astra Militarum Codex has brought with it a change of heart....

Spoils of War

A mate of mine occasionally asks me to sell his old hobby stuff online and as payment I get first dibs as well as the stuff that, to most people, is completely worthless. Here’s the ‘junk’ I received today. I’m taking some time off in May and I...

Dark Angels Tactical Squad – WIP

Following on from my experiment to see if I could paint a single Dark Angel in an hour or so (clicky), I’ve decided to see if I can finish off his squad mates. Here’s how far I’ve got. With the exception of the sergeant, I’ve been doing this by...

Bretonnian Army Book ‘no longer available’

Well, well, well. I’ve been have a wee poke about the new GW website and look what I found, or didn’t find to be more accurate. The tubes have been aflutter about the possibility of a Wood Elf release in May, this could still well happen however their book...

Hidden in Plain Sight 2: Plastic Valhallans on the way?

Considering some of the colourful feedback I received last time, it is with some trepidation that I again ruminate over an image in the latest White Dwarf. This photo appears on page 22 of issue 10, look at the writing on the turret’s shield. Could some plastic...