Necron Deathmarks

After a very busy festive period followed by my wife’s birthday and a metric ton of work thanks to my day job, I’ve finally been able to devote some time to my ever-so-slowly-growing Necron army. Today I was able to finish this sniper-assassin squad....

Denting the Living Metal Backlog

Once again, it’s been a while! Thanks to the ongoing worldwide pandemic my work has been extremely busy so I’ve not had as much time, indeed hardly any time, to get myself into a headspace where I’d be able to paint miniatures. However, even though...

Imperial Fist test model

As I continue my quest to clear as many part-finished projects from my desk, I decided to turn my attention to the single Space Marine Hero figure I picked up. I’ve toyed with building an Imperial Fist force since I first read Ian Watson’s Space Marine back in the...

The Shambling Horde 2: Shamble Harder

Long-suffering readers (hi, you two!) may remember that as part of my Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge back in 2018, I managed to paint up forty Poxwalkers. Since then I acquired three more sprues from Trenchmate Tim from his Conquest sub and over the past week I’ve...

Necromunda Ambot

Today I finished my first Ambot.  I decided to paint this one as generic as possible in an industrial-inspired scheme so that any gang can use it. The other one in the set will be painted to form part of my Orlock gang – once I figure out what their colour...