Getting Back Into The Groove: Warriors of Chaos

I am very pleased to report that, not only have I started painting again but I’ve actually managed to finish something, and in time for Miniature Monday too! These Warriors of Chaos was part of my sWarmonger Secret Santa and I’m very glad they’re...

Is that what I think it is‽

Is it? YES IT BLOODY IS!!! After nearly a month and a half, and only five weeks after we moved house, I’m finally painting again First off I’m going to finish the Khorne Warriors of Chaos I received as part of my Warmonger Secret Santa and after that...

Grab-It Pack – A Review

Originally posted on The Shell Case:Just before Christmas I managed to organise a games night with The Chaps. Nothing new there. However on this particular occasion I kept losing things. Forgetting where I put a pencil or my tape measure as I moved around the board...

Infinity – The First Wave

It’s always nice to come into work and find something nice waiting for you I’ll do a proper unboxing tomorrow as Tuesday evenings are when my role playing group meet. It’ll be hard not to as these look awesome.