Dark Angels Librarian WIP 2

Managed a little more work today. Started to experiment with the shading on the Cherub Servitor’s skin and made a start on the Inner Circle Robe and some of the metallic effects.

Dark Angels Librarian WIP 1

As mentioned yesterday, I’ve decided to enter this month’s Battle of The Brush at Games Workshop Edinburgh. Here’s my progress so far: Now, although this doesn’t look like much work what you see here is thee different layers of progressively...

I must be crazy…

Every month my local Games Workshop does a Battle of The Brush competition, with the winner choosing the next month’s miniature. This month the miniature in question is the love it or hate it Space Marine Librarian Clampack. Now I personally love this model so...

Vallejo Fluorescent Paints – Quick Look

Reblogged from Miniature Musings of a Bear: After finding out about Fluorescent paints from Vallejo, I though it would be cool to have an army of day-glo daemons :) With that in mind I decided to pick some up as you may remember from Beared-itorials and also...

Return to a kind of normality

After a fairly horrific weekend it felt really good to get even an hour’s painting in. I wasn’t able to get much done but at least this chap’s almost finished. Hopefully I’ll be able to show off the whole squad later in the week.