Chaos Space Marine Hellbrute

After sitting half-converted on my desk, my army’s first Hellbrute is complete.         And, because I’m in the mood to show off, here’s a stock pick of what the kit is supposed to make.     It took me a while to file...

Hellbrute WIP 2

Tidied up most of the body today and made a start on the arms, enough for me to want to show them off. I’m very happy with the process thus far and there’s a chance that I might be able to finish this beastie by Saturday.

Hellbrute WIP

It must be this awful hot weather but I’m having trouble focusing on a single project. Last night, I managed to fit in half an hour of painting after family duties and, rather than continuing work on my Terminators I thought I’d make a start on this chap....

A Change of Strategy

As I mentioned earlier today, I have a game in just under a fortnight.  Originally the plan was for me to finish what I started yesterday but this afternoon I realised that, while the Cultists and Forgefiend are very cool, they won’t really help me win the...

Getting A Wiggle On

Eek! Today, during a lunchtime email exchange, I agreed to play a 1,500 40K game against my friend and Trenchmates contributor Tim in a couple of weeks’ time. This means I’ll really have to get a move on a finish my current projects or else I’ll have...