Eternal Crusade: 40K MMORPG announced!

Sometimes you just can’t keep a good idea down.  Inevitably the task of creating the first 40K MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online RolePlaying Game  for the uninitiated) has fallen to yet another studio, this time the brave digital crusader is Behaviour...

Pimp My Jaffa Cake!

Reblogged from interestingthymes: Look what I made at the weekend! A bloody enormous jaffa cake with other jaffa cakes in it! With booze in it! I feel like Dr Frankenstein - except with vast quantities of sugar! (Can anyone spot the sugar-high?) Pimp My Posh Jaffa...

Totally worth it: 40k 2nd edition Codex Chaos

Reblogged from eternalhunt: As you may have realised by now, Totally Worth It as a series is as much about forgotten or unjustly maligned gems of tabletop wargaming as it is about the formative moments in my personal hobby life. So today I would like to address what...

Chaos Predator – WIP 3

I promise this is the last work in progress update of anything involving a Rhino chassis for a long time but I thought I’d share this evening’s results. Hopefully it’ll be done tomorrow, then I get to start on the lovely stuff I got for my birthday

Fetch Me A Techpriest!

Today I received these beauties from a friend. I also have the twin-linked lascanons however the heavy bolters are long gone.  That said I think I can find something appropriate  from my twenty year old Space Marines bitz box.  Right now the plan is to strip them and...