The curious fate of

Way back in the dim and distant past when this blog was young, I wrote about a website which had the noble aim of connecting like-minded gamers.  All you needed to do was create a profile and list what you were interested in playing, be it tabletop, RPG...

More Eldar Images Leaked

Reblogged from The Shell Case: Two more little gems for you from the up coming White Dwarf of new Eldar stuff. Wraithblades and the new Eldar flyer, the name of which escapes me. I'm not convinced by the distinctly human design of the flyer. Looks a little bit like...

Rise, Sons of Khaine

Well, this was unexpected…   I guess this means pre-orders this Saturday (May 25th) for a release the following weekend.  I might pick the book up since the limp-wristed point-eared frackwits* were my second proper army back in the dim and distant days of...

Eldar Wraithknight – WD image leaked

It’s been somewhat quite on the Ramblings front of late so I’d thought I’ll get back in to the swing of things by reposting this image that appear on Warseer a few hours ago.   Not too sure what to make of this, I was hoping for something a bit...

A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Review

Reblogged from Miniature Musings of a Bear: It has been a while since I have done a review so to get back into the swing of things here is, A Call to Arms: Star Fleet (miniature star trekking battles). Produced by Mongoose Publishing, it is as you can probably gather...