Chaos Space Marines – Two Completed Squads

It’s taken me long enough but I’ve finally finished my first two squads for my Chaos Marine army. I’ve been working on these for far too long, one of the squads I bought and assembled in July 2010! I’m now working on a couple of Rhino-based...

Some more Heralds

While I didn’t get nearly as much done as I had wanted this weekend, I am really glad I have some more of these guys ready for action.

Wall of Martyrs Bunker

I can’t believe it but here’s my first Miniature Monday submission for 2013. My lovely wife got me this kit for Christmas and while I started on it in December so many things (including a new job!) meant that productive hobby time has been quite thin on...

Massacre in Lustria

Believe it or not, I haven’t played a game of anything involving little plastic men since last October so I jumped at the chance to take part in a six player, Good versus Evil 4,500 point Warhammer barney today.  I got together with the other chaps who make up...

Shell Case Shorts Anthology

Reblogged from The Shell Case: Yes, it's finally that time. A year on from when I ran a short story competition for a bit of fun, I'm pleased and proud to make the Shell Case Shorts Anthology available to download. The collected winning entries from the 12...