More Dark Angel Image Leaks

Reblogged from The Shell Case: As 2012 draws to a close some cheeky bugger has chucked a whole load of Dark Angel snaps onto the internet including a few close-ups of rules, unit details, the new Asmodai model (about fooking time) and a few other choice bits and bobs...

Happy Christmas!

      Today my wife spoiled me with some hobby goodness   That’s my evening sorted, thanks honey! x

A New (Old) Leman Russ Pattern?

Well this is interesting. Today Forge World uploaded this image. Now, on Facebook the mad genius that is Alan Bligh indicated that this image contains several new models that FW will be releasing over the coming year. Treadhead that I am, my eyes were immediately...

White Dwarf Dark Angel Pages Leaked

Reblogged from The Shell Case: Another month, another hacked off employee taking snaps on their mobile of the upcoming White Dwarf. Specifically the Dark Angel releases. I've got to say, my feelings are mixed. The new Deathwing Terminators look pretty cool and have...

What a difference a wash makes

This evening I decided to compare my recently completed Herald models with the test model I produced a while ago and the results were surprising.  Take a look: The one on the left I completed last week while the one on the right, the trial model, was painted over a...