Forge World Christmas Jigsaw

It’s that time of the year again folks and Forge World are tantalising us with a bit by bit preview of a forthcoming mini. Here it is: I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly certain we’re looking at part of a Primarch. Given that it looks like...

Heralds of Desolation Chaos Space Marines

It’s been another quiet week on the painting front thanks to Christmas-related nonsense but I’ve managed to finish a couple more Heralds. I hope to get at least five more done this week. I’ve gone for a fairly basic scheme that so far has shown to be...

Heralds of Desolation Aspiring Champion

I’ve not submitted to Miniature Monday in a while so I’m glad that mine is the first of my new army’s Aspiring Champions. This particular fellow is a disciple of Tzeentch, as are a great many of his comrades. Of course this has nothing at all to do...

Infinity Continues…

Now I've completed my first six Haqqislam troops, the next three are the ones that I think are starting to get really cool.  The first (on the right) is the last and best looking of the Ghulam light infantry. That guy is ready for action.L-R: Hunzakut, Hassassin...