by Jordan | Jun 12, 2012
Good afternoon, Today, I was able to finish up the two platoons of M4A3 (late) Sherman tanks and my Abrams in his Easy Eight. I got most of the work done just before work over the past two days and during lunch today. It is humid as all get out so...
by Jordan | Jun 8, 2012
Today, I got to roll some Dice with Bruce. We played an 825 point game and had some fun. We had to wait until the work day was over to finish it but in the end, it came down to one of my infantry platoons shooting down some of his German Grenadiers as they...
by Jordan | Jun 7, 2012
Hello happy readers!Well, here we are at Thursday. Today, I got a good little bit of work done on my Army as well as a work project. Today, I finished my M1 90mm guns, extra crew and command team. I also got some of the guns for all those gun crew I...
by Jordan | Jun 6, 2012
Hey Guys,First off, it's D-Day. 68 years later, we remember all those men and women who died in the Allies' charge into France. With that being stated, its Flame of War time. Today, I didn't get a lot done, I had to squeeze in a bit of work during...
by Jordan | Jun 5, 2012
Good afternoon,First up, Happy Anniversary to my lovely Bride! Two years and two great kids down, 48 years to go. Today, between a bit of time before work and lunch, I got my Jeeps almost all done. I have some detail work on the guns and some touch...