Rebel Grot Conscripts Paint in Progress

Hello all, For quite some time now I have been fielding a squad of Rebel Grot Conscripts that were in pretty rough shape.  Some were gretchin that I had painted a while ago but most were newer conversions that hadn’t been painted yet.  Now that I’ve...

Rebel Grot Commissar Finished

Hello all, I finished painting my Rebel Grot Commissar.  I am pretty happy with how he came out.  Now my Rebel Grots have a proper Commissar, maybe a Lord Commissar or even Yarrick!  I still need to get some sealer on him then he’s ready for the table.  Here are...

Rebel Grot Commissar Paint in Progress

Hello all, I have made a fair amount of progress painting the Rebel Grot Commissar that I finished converting last week.  I still have quite a bit of painting to do but I am far enough along that you can get a good sense of what the finished model will look like.   So...

Rebel Grot Commissar Ready for Paint

Hello all, I’ve finished modelling the Rebel Grot Commissar I’ve been working on.  The changes I’ve made are small.  I’ve made his left ear bionic, added a right sleeve, and added the tattered remains of his left sleeve.  The rest of the work...

Rebel Grot Commissar WIP: More Sculpting

Hello all, For the last couple of weeks I have been working on my Rebel Grot Commissar.  I plan to use him primarily for a standard Commissar but I wanted him to look good enough to use as a Lord Commissar or even Yarrick once in a while.  I’ve made some good...