Rebel Grot Basilisk WIP: Tracks Mounted

Hello all, It’s been another busy week but I did manage to get a little done on a basilisk I’ve been building for my counts-as-IG Rebel Grots.  I finished casting and mounting the track plates and I started working on the armor that is covering the tracks...

Making Your Own Foam Trays: Tanks and Other Large Models

Hello all, You may have already read Thor’s tutorial on making your own foam trays.  If you haven’t, you should check it out.  It’s the same method I use to make all of my infantry trays.  It’s great for small models but can be awkward for...

Real Life Strikes Again: The Great Purge

Hello all, Not much to post this week.  I managed to cast enough track plates to make a mold of a 12 link run but I haven’t made that mold yet.  My wife and I decided to seriously consider selling our house so we’ve been working our way through the...Read...

Making Tracks: Casting tread plates for my Rebel Grots

Hello all, Anyone who has scratch built tanks knows that the tracks are a particular issue.  Making them individually is a mind breaking exercise in tedium.  In the past I’ve done this and have gone it’s a matter of finding the level of detail you’ll...

Quick update on Rebel Grot Basilisks

Hello all, I managed  to finish building the second Earthshaker Cannon for my Rebel Grots.  Here are a couple of pics to show how the two Basilisks are coming along:   I know they aren’t great pics but I’ve been … Continue reading →The...