Rebel Grots Infantry Yellow 2 complete…and tanks!

This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, I’ve decided to try and get the Rebel Grots ready for the Fratris Salutem, a hobby event here in Maine scheduled for May.  Allies … Continue reading →The post...

Rebel Grots: Infantry Squad 2 amost complete

This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, I’m still chugging along on Infantry Squad Yellow II for my Rebel Grots army.  With the home improvement efforts wrapped up for not I … Continue reading →The post...

The Grot Revolution: The Gretchin of Malichor III part 1

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Fiends of Dakka and Rebel Grots FluffAlthough none of Grottrogg’s troops landed on the food production planet Malichor III some spores did reach the planet surface on the larger chunks … Continue reading →The post...

Rebel Grots: Infantry squad Yellow 2 PIP

Hello all, The home improvement efforts continue but I did manage to get some painting time in this week.  I’m batch painting the grunts and weapon crew.  So far I’ve made it through the skin tones and laid the base … Continue reading →The post...

Rebel Grots: Infantry Squad 2 ready for paint

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, In the past week I’ve finished adding shoulder pads to the rest of Infantry Squad II.  I also added hats to a few of … Continue reading →The post Rebel Grots:...