Rebel Grots: Infantry Squad 2 WIP

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, Well, it has been another busy week with a lot of painting and stuff around the house so I’ve managed to go another week … Continue reading →The post Rebel Grots:...

Rebel Grots status update

Hello all, Since my last post I’ve been working on the green stuff work for my second Rebel Grot Infantry Squad.  I made some decent progress: The lascannon team is ready for paint.  I added shoulder pads to the controller … Continue reading →The...

Rebel Grots: First Infantry Squad with Lascannon is Finished

This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, I’ve completed the first Lascannon team which wraps up the first infantry unit for my Rebel Grots IG army.  Here are pics of the … Continue reading →The post Rebel...

Rebel Grots: Lascannon 1 PIP

This entry is part 8 of 12 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, This past week I managed to paint the lascannon and one of the crewmen for my first Gretchen heavy weapons team.  I am almost … Continue reading →The post Rebel Grots:...

Kamui’s Showcase: Battlewagon

Hello all, It was a busy weekend and I didn’t manage to make much progress on the Rebel Grots.  I added power cells and did some clean up on the lascannons.  I also prepped the lascannon crew for painting.  Nothing … Continue reading →The post...