Rebel Grot WIP: Infantry Squads Based

Hello all, I’ve been working on Rebel Grots to use as Imperial Guard allies for my orks.  It’s been slow going due to some restrictions in free time and other distractions competing for that free time but I’m happy with … Continue reading...

Ork Fluff: Grottrogg invades Malichor IV

One of two habitable planets in the Malichor solar system, Malichor IV was a minor Imperial industrial planet located a long way from any of the primary shipping routes.  Despite the regular flow of munitions, vehicles, and recruits for the … Continue reading...

Kamui’s Workbench: Liberated Grot Heavy and Special Weapons

Hello all, I haven’t been spectacularly productive over the holidays but I have made some decent progress on my Grot IG allies.  I’ve done a few experiments that didn’t pan out but I’ve narrowed in on how I want to … Continue reading...

Rebel Grot allies for Waagh Grottrog!

Hello all, Those of you who read my post on Imperial Guard Allies for the Orks already know that I’m a fan.  I even managed to get in a game with Thor using Necromunda proxies that confirmed my suspicion that … Continue reading →The post Rebel Grot...

Grottrogg’s Big Day

On the surface Grottrogg did not seem particularly special.  He was kunnin, sure, but not any more kunnin than your typical Blood Axe nob.  He was as tough, strong, and brutal as his fellow nobs but still nothing out of … Continue reading →The post...