Rebel Grot Commissar WIP: Sculpting Started

Hello all, Last week I showed the start of my Rebel Grot Commissar.  I liked Khorne Inquisitor’s suggestion that he be standing on a dead grot, the most recent victim of his motivational techniques.  I used some Night Goblin bits and added a tattered hood where...

Rebel Grot Commissar: Getting started

Hello all, Last week I put it to you to decide my next project.  I got a handful of votes and of the three project I proposed the Rebel Grot Commissar won out.  Although I never posted it this is actually a model I started working on during a business trip a few...

Poll: What’s Kamui Doing Next!

Hello all, I’ve been so swamped with work and other responsibilities lately that I haven’t managed to accomplish much on the hobby front.  It’s been so long since I actually played a game or worked on a model that I’m not even sure what I want...

Terrain Tutorial: Easy Tank Traps

Hello all, Every set of terrain needs a collection of small “scatter” pieces that can be mixed in amongst the larger pieces.  These little pieces add texture to the battlefield and can make a big difference in how the battle flows by blocking off lanes of...

The Mind Astray: Thinking about Orks.

Hello all, I’ve been working on the Rebel Grots for a while now and there have been quite a few game changers for me since I started them.  First was the updated Imperial Guard codex (or Astra Militarum if you prefer) followed immediately by 7th edition.  Not...