Scratch Built Leman Russes Painted

Hello all, I have finished painting the second of my scratch built Leman Russ Exterminators.  These have been through a lengthy journey from the initial build, to a preliminary paint job, then added sponsons and other details, and finally to being fully painted.  I do...

Scratch Built Leman Russ #1 Painted

Hello all, It has been a long process from start to finish, but I have finally painted my first scratch built Leman Russ.  Well, I’ve painted everything but the hull and sponson weapons.  The first picture in this series was taken without the flash.  The preview...

Scratch Built Leman Russ #1 Paint Update

Hello all, Now that I’ve airbrushed a base coat onto my Rebel Grot vehicles I can start adding detail to each of them individually.  I prefer to do this stage individually because each step feels really long if I’m doing a bunch of vehicles at a time. ...

Rebel Grot Vehicles Paint in Progress

Hello all, Since my last post I’ve unpacked my airbrushes and started working on painting all those vehicles I built for my Rebel Grots.  As many of you know the airbrush is a huge time saver when it comes to painting vehicles.  It is much easier to cover all...

Rebel Grot Vehicles Ready to Paint!

Hello all, Now that I have finished building both of my Leman Russ Exterminators I am getting ready to paint all of my Rebel Grot vehicles.  I will use my airbrush for the base coats and initial highlights so I have been waiting until I was ready to paint them...Read...