by Kamui | Jul 14, 2014
Hello all, It was a busy week but I managed to squeeze in a bit of time to work on my two Leman Russ Exterminators for my Rebel Grots army. The first of them is ready to be primed and the other one is getting closer. On the first Exterminator...Read More The post One...
by Kamui | Jul 7, 2014
Hello all, I’m still plugging away at the pair of Leman Russ Exterminators I’ve built for my Rebel Grots. When I’m working on vehicles I often reach a point where I no longer have a plan. I just keep slapping on details until it looks right to me. ...
by Kamui | Jun 23, 2014
Hello all, Last week I added heavy bolters to my first Leman Russ. This week I made up some multi meltas to go with the hull mounted lascannon on my second Leman Russ. I started with two pieces of tube and wrapped paper around one end of each to create...Read More...
by Kamui | Jun 21, 2014
Hello all, The long-term regulars amongst you know that I have been running a Rebel Grot army using the Imperial Guard Codex. The rapid release of the Astra Militarum Codex, 7th edition rules, and upcoming Ork Codex has me putting a lot of thought into how I fit my...
by Kamui | Jun 16, 2014
Hello all, I’ve been working on sponsons for two of my Leman Russ tanks. Though I don’t feel they are worth the points on an ordinance platform because they can only snap fire when the ordinance is fired, sponsons on a Leman Russ are otherwise well worth...