First 7th Edition Game with the Rebel Grots!

Hello all, After spending a little time reading the new rules for 40k I managed to get in a game with one of the regulars at Crossroad Games.  It was the first time for both of us using the new rulebook so there was a lot of rules checking and...Read More The post...

More scratch built sponsons, and an army shot

Hello all, I’ve added sponsons to the second Leman Russ Exterminator.  They’re pretty much the same as the first one I did, nothing really new.  I still need to add the weapon mounts and weapons for these.  Here’s a shot of the two of them: I am...

Rebel Grot Leman Russ – Sponsons Added

Hello all, I have been pretty busy lately so I haven’t made as much progress on my Rebel Gots army as I would like.  I did manage to put together some sponsons for one of my scratch built Leman Russ Exterminators.  Like most of the tank, these were made...

Astra Militarum Vs. Tau – Rebel Grots Batrep

Hello all, Last week I reported my first game with the new Astra Militarum codex, my Rebel Grots against Thor’s Disciples of Twilight.  I made some poor choices in deployment and ultimately paid for them even though the army functioned well.  This week I’m...

Astra Militarum Vs. Chaos Space Marines – Rebel Grots Batrep

Hello all, I’ve managed to get two games with the new Astra Militarum codex and so far I like what I’m seeing.  While some of the popular units have gone up in price a lot of others have come down or at least been discounted for upgrades that were...