Kill Team

Kill Team

Tonight I tried out the Kill Team rules from Heralds of Ruin.  I have to say, if you haven't checked them out, you really should.  The rules are simple, easy to follow and all work to keep the game fairly quick-paced.The teams are set up as small 250 point...

The Lion’s Angels embrace Tzeentch!

 As you have seen a few changes have come to the Lion's Angels.  I have added new contributors and will likely be expanding the list of contributors even further.  Change is good! All hail Tzeentch!You can also look forward to an actual gallery...

Holidays are over

Well, the holidays are over and I can get back to some 40k again.  The holidays treated me well, as I hope they did for everyone.  I have a few things to assemble and paint, most notably, a Heldrake, some cultists and some terrain pieces.  Should be...

Who says Dark angels can not beat Vanilla Marines?

I had a hard fought battle against some Salamanders.  The Angels performed admirably and eked out a win.  The Game was Emperor's Will with Hammer and Anvil deployment.  This was a 1000 point battle and the first battle in our Planetary Empires...