Another 2000 pt Purge the Alien Tournament

So, this past Saturday, we had yet another 2000 pt Purge the Alien tournament.  I came in third overall, but I think the list that I brought had the potential to rank higher.  Alas, the dice gods left me in game 2, and I had to settle for third.  Still,...

2000 points Dark angels vs Blood Angels

This weekend I played a 2000 point game against Himkano.  We are both going to be attending a 2000 pt Purge the Alien tournament at the end of this month, so we decided to test each others tournament lists.  Himkano has posted a Battle Report as well, and...

2000 Point Dark Angels vs Eldar

Well, this past weekend I played a 2000 point game against a friend of mine whom I hadn't seen in a while.  I forgot to take pictures, but I will post the Battle Report.  I have decided to do the Battle report a little different this time and make it more...

Update and new 2000 point Dark Angels list

So, it has been a little while since my last update.  But quite a bit has happened since my last post.  Perhaps most significantly, I played in a local 2000 point tournament.So, overall, the tournament was really small and I ended up really just playing two...

Dark Angels/Imperial Guard 2000 point Army List

Having gone through all the units in context with 6th edition play, I have decided on a new list that I will be trying for the first time in a game (or maybe a few games) this weekend.  I am maintaining the philosophy of infantry spam, but am adding a little bit...