Cadian 194th Reserves

This is the final uniform choice of the Cadian 194th Reserves.These models are not quite finished. There is some minor work to be done before sprayed with a matte finish. However, at this point, I am satisfied with the color scheme and paint work (at least for my...

WIP: Squad 924

Here are some late WIP shots of the squad. I do a little here and there as I can, wash one and paint the boots on another. You will have to pardon the quality of my pictures. While better than a cell phone camera, I do not have an elaborate studio set up to take...

Muster the Guardsmen: Squad 924

Here is the first squad, modeled and green-stuffed. I had meant to have these pictures up earlier, but preparations for Summer term have kept me busier than I anticipated.I chose the squad number 924 as, with as many artillery and and static fire lines my army list...

Slow Posting

I will be starting classes soon, which has been and will keep my posting slow until sometime in September.As an update to the last post, most of the orders have come in, and I should soon have some model pictures of what I have so far, including:Company Command...

Getting Started

Just picked up an Imperial Guard Battle Force and put in an order at Forge World, and I have some bits inbound from eBay. Once all orders have arrived, I should have some models to show.